Plugin Tag: speedup
Instant Gzip Compression
(3 total ratings)Speed up your Wordpress website with this Gzip compression plugin.
WPTurbo -WordPress性能优化插件
(0 total ratings)WPTurbo如其名,即WordPress的涡轮增压器,是一款专门针对WordPress开发的性能优化插件,效用包括WP瘦身,WP速度优化,数据库优化及对象存储等。
Easy Speedup by PageCDN
(11 total ratings)Speed up website by upto 10X in just few clicks. CDN, cache, compression, minify, image optimization, WebP, etc.
Static Resource Cleanup by Removing Query Strings
(1 total ratings)Wordpress by default adds query strings “?” or “&” to the static resources (CSS & JS) files used in the site. This plugin will help to remove …
WP Booster
(0 total ratings)WP-Booster – Optimize your website to load very fast & efficiently by combining & minify JS, CSS, lazy-load images, and leverage browser cachi …