Plugin Tag: Islam
Zakah Calculator
(0 total ratings)It is a simple and easy way to know how to fulfill the obligation of Zakah.
TM Islamic Helper
(0 total ratings)Islamic Helper plugin for muslims prayer times. Don’t delete this plugin.
Sahih al Bukhari Hadiths
(0 total ratings)Sahih al-Bukhari is a collection of hadith compiled by Abu Abdullah Muhammad Ibn Isma`il al-Bukhari(rahimahullah). His collection is recognized by the overwhelming majority of the Muslim world to be one of the most authentic collections of the Sunnah of the Prophet Salla Allah `Alaihi Wa Sallam. It contains roughly 7563 hadith (with repetitions) in 97 books.
Islamic Books by EDC
(3 total ratings)The Islamic Books by EDC endeavors to be a unique online store of free downloadable PDF books about Islam & other faiths in different languages
Beautiful Salat
(1 total ratings)Simple, beautiful, lightweight prayer times plugin with Gutenberg blocks for easy editing.
Zakaat Calculator
(2 total ratings)A beautiful Interactive Plugin which can be used to add Zakaat Calculator in your websites sidebar.
Quran verse a day
(0 total ratings)Display a random verse from the Holy Quran in Bangla or English.
Salah World – Prayer and iQamah Timings for Masjids
(3 total ratings)Displays daily and monthly prayer and iqamah timings for your Masjid. Notify user when iqamah timings will change!
Kırk Hadis
(0 total ratings)Bu eklenti, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı resmi internet sitesinden alınan 40 hadisi, rastgele bir şekilde ziyaretçilerinize göstermek …
Solat Times
(0 total ratings)This plugin will extract the daily solat or salaat (Islamic prayer) times for a specified location based on calculations made by
Islamic Content Archive For Muslim e-Library
(0 total ratings)Our Comprehensive Muslim e-Library endeavors to be a unique comprehensive online store of free downloadable PDF books about Islam and other faiths.
Ayah of the Day WordPress Widget
(0 total ratings)It displays translation of a verse from Holy Quran(Muslim's holy book) on your blog sidebar.
Radio Islam Indonesia
(0 total ratings)Widget radio-radio streaming di Indonesia yang mendukung untuk di semua browser dan juga di SmartPhone.
Islamic Durood Sharief
(1 total ratings)An easy way to show durood sharief as Durood Sharief Floating Div.
Radio Islam
(1 total ratings)Menampilkan daftar radio streaming Islam tepercaya, merupakan versi widget web resmi dari app android RII (Radio Islam Indonesia)
Maha Salat Times
(0 total ratings)Simple way to add your Masjids Salat Times on your Wordpress website.
(0 total ratings)Shows a Calendar of Iftar and sehri Timing on Sidebar of your blog/site. At current it supports 'DHAKA', 'SYLHET', 'CHITTAGON …
Islamic Content Archive
(1 total ratings)Islamic Content Archive is a plugin that allows you to get the content (articles, videos, audios) of 27 Islamic websites in different languages.